What We Do

E-commerce experts

Authorized Resellers

Product Distribution

Every month we sell high-quality, name-brand products to thousands of satisfied customers. As seasoned product distribution experts, it's more than a job for us - we live and breathe this stuff every day.

We are very selective about who we work with and which products we take to market. We only represent high quality products from reputable manufacturers. We strive to build long term relationships with distributors and manufacturers who are committed to doing business fairly and honestly. These principles are the cornerstone of our business and help ensure successful partnerships.

E-commerce Marketing

Standing out from the crowd in the highly competitive e-commerce landscape is a monumental challenge. As seasoned e-commerce marketing experts, we excel in navigating this complex terrain. Our extensive experience in securing product placements across all major e-commerce platforms ensures we maximize your audience reach.

We thoughtfully optimize product listings, leverage advanced SEO tactics, and deploy strategic PPC advertising to ensure your offerings capture and retain consumer attention. Recognizing that the market is ever-changing, we place immense value on continuous monitoring and fine-tuning of your marketing plan. This adaptive approach ensures that your brand not only competes but consistently outpaces the competition, driving sustainable growth and success.

How it Works

As an authorized reseller, we invest our capital to buy your products in large quantities at wholesale rates. This streamlines the path for your products to reach the massive online audience.

We then market and sell your product on major e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Walmart, Google Shopping, eBay, and Etsy. We have sophisticated technology that enables us to meticulously manage inventory levels to optimize the supply chain and prevent stockouts. Our systems also enable us to launch strategic campaigns to enhance product visibility and attract potential customers. All of this ensures a seamless shopping experience for customers. 

Additionally, we safeguard your pricing strategy by ensuring your products are sold with sensible profit margins. This protects your brand's value and market positioning.

By partnering with ValueMart, you gain access to our vast network and expertise, resulting in significant sales growth while maintaining the integrity of your brand.  If this is how you want to do business then we would love to connect and discuss partnering with you as an authorized reseller for your products. 

E-commerce Ninjas

Product Placement
How would you like to get your product in front of 500+ million online shoppers! Our full multi-channel approach is designed to maximize your customer reach. We will help you sell your products on all the major e-commerce marketplaces, including Amazon, Walmart, Google Shopping, Etsy and eBay. Our expertise and strategic insights help you navigate the complexities and nuances of each platform.

Listing Optimization
Optimizing your product listings is essential to stand out in a highly competitive marketplace and turn browsers into buyers. Our listing optimization services include integrating strategic keyword placement, high-quality images, and compelling content. We focus on making your listings more searchable and appealing, backed by continuous performance monitoring to keep you ahead in the competitive marketplace. This streamlined approach ensures your products stand out and driving sales effectively.

Advanced SEO
Our advanced Search Engine Optimization for your product listings boosts visibility and sales through targeted keyword research, strategic content placement, and image optimization. By staying ahead of market trends and algorithms, we refine your listings to attract and convert high-intent customers. Our continuous monitoring and adjustments ensure your products remain competitive and at the forefront of search results.

PPC Advertising
Boost your online sales with targeted PPC advertising. We will design custom campaigns to enhance product visibility and drive conversions. We will optimize spend by focusing on effective keywords and bids. Continuous optimization ensures your ads reach the right audience efficiently, maximizing ROI and strengthening your brand's competitive edge.

Continuous Monitoring and Tuning
Continuous monitoring and fine-tuning of product listings, SEO, and PPC campaigns are essential for online success. Adapting to performance metrics, market shifts, and consumer preferences ensures high visibility, conversion rates, and advertising efficiency. Our ongoing optimization strategy drives sustained sales growth and enhances your brand's digital presence, crucial in the competitive online environment.